MOR Reading

Monitored Oral Repeated Reading


Monitored oral reading enables students of all ages and abilities to improve their oral reading fluency, leading to greater reading proficiency. Monitored oral reading offers a view into the reading process and illuminates strengths and weaknesses in word recognition, fluency, and comprehension. When students read silently and independently, they often skip words, read words incorrectly, and/or do not fully comprehend the text. Monitored oral reading ensures that students are reading accurately and are not skimming the text.


Research over the past two decades has identified repeated reading as the key strategy for improving students’ fluency skills (NICHD, 2000). Repeated reading gives students the opportunity to reread the same text and promotes more efficient reading with greater word accuracy and comprehension. As students practice repeated reading, they improve their fluency and ability to decode, and these skills transfer to texts that have not previously been read. The National Reading Panel (NRP) found that repeated reading is often neglected and is considered the preferred form of  developing fluency.


The goal of MOR Reading is to help students become fluent readers. Fluent readers are able to read words accurately and effortlessly, allowing them to spend more energy on comprehension and enjoyment. The NRP defines fluency as the ability to read a text at an appropriate rate with accuracy and good expression. According to the NRP, students should have opportunities to read aloud with guidance and feedback, but this is often difficult to accomplish in both the classroom and at home. Fluency has been neglected in education and is widely considered the next frontier in reading.



Oral reading, with opportunities for immediate corrections and guidance from MOR Reading mentors, leads to more efficient readers. Students require knowledge of their reading errors so that mistakes are not repeated. Assisted oral reading provides direct support to students as they read, which improves accuracy.


All students need opportunities to consolidate and automatize what has been learned in school. Through monitored oral repeated reading, students gain automatic recognition of letters, word parts, high-frequency words, and phrases. Weekly practice with MOR Reading mentors helps students develop the ability to read efficiently.


Prosody includes the stress, pitch, and phrasing of words, which enhance the meaning and enjoyment of text. MOR Reading mentors model prosody and smooth reading and provide students with a safe place to practice this very important skill. The goal is to help students become fluent readers with proper expression, phrasing, and intonation, which leads to greater comprehension.


Oral reading at an appropriate level has proven to have positive effects on reading comprehension. When text is read orally with a more experienced reader, students gain background knowledge and vocabulary necessary for comprehension. When students engage in repeated reading, they can read for meaning, and this improves comprehension. Additionally, the skills gained by orally reading with a MOR Reading mentor transfer to silent reading comprehension.


Monitored oral reading helps students gain confidence in their reading abilities. Pronouncing and hearing words read aloud helps students find their reading voice. MOR Reading mentors create a nonjudgmental environment to provide feedback and gentle correction. As students develop confidence in their ability to read aloud, they gain valuable life skills and a greater love of reading.


Students of all ages and reading abilities benefit from monitored oral reading practice. MOR Reading is beneficial for any students wanting to improve their fluency and comprehension. Students learn that comprehension is derived not only from decoding a text but from phrasing, expression, and pausing, all of which are necessary for fluent reading. Oral reading is an important life skill that is frequently neglected in education.




Whether you are a prospective student or mentor, please contact us if you have questions about MOR Reading.

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